
Directions to Designer Homes
From Williamsport and Points North...
Take Rt. 15 South into Lewisburg (approx. 25 miles from downtown Williamsport)
Stay in right lane through several red lights in Lewisburg (pass Sheetz, Country Cupboard, McDonald's, Weis, Wendy's, and KFC/Taco Bell - all on your right hand side)
Turn RIGHT onto Rt. 45 West for approx. 7 miles into Mifflinburg
Go through 4 red lights in Mifflinburg
Turn RIGHT onto North 8th St.
Continue on North 8th St. for approx. 0.2 mile
Designer Homes Model Center is on the left.
From Harrisburg and Points South...
Take Rt. 15 North into Lewisburg (approx. 65 miles from Harrisburg)
Go straight through 1st red light in Lewisburg at Bucknell University
Stay in LEFT at 2nd red light onto Rt. 45 West
Continue on Rt. 45 West for approx. 7 miles into Mifflinburg
Go through 4 red lights in Mifflinburg
Turn RIGHT onto North 8th St.
Continue on North 8th St. for approx. 0.2 mile
Designer Homes Model Center is on the left.
From Bloomsburg and Points East...
Take I-80 West to Exit 210-A (Lewisburg Exit)
Take Rt. 15 South approx. 5 miles into Lewisburg
Stay in right lane through several red lights in Lewisburg (pass Sheetz, Country Cupboard, McDonald's, Weis, Wendy's, and KFC/Taco Bell - all on your right hand side)
Turn RIGHT onto Rt. 45 West for approx. 7 miles into Mifflinburg
Go through 4 red lights in Mifflinburg
Turn RIGHT onto North 8th St.
Continue on North 8th St. for approx. 0.2 mile
Designer Homes Model Center is on the left.
From State College and Points West...
Take Rt. 45 East into Mifflinburg (approx. 50 miles from downtown State College)
Go through 4 red lights in Mifflinburg
Turn RIGHT onto North 8th St.
Continue on North 8th St. for approx. 0.2 mile
Designer Homes Model Center is on the left.